Bank of Baroda Invites applicatoin from Indian Nationals for Recruitment of Specilist officers in MMG Scale II, Total number of Vacancy is 125 and Last date of Application is 15 May 2012
Emoluments :-
At present, initial monthly emoluments of Middle Management Grade/ Scale II Officers, including DA,
HRA amp; CCA are approximately ` 34,000/- per month in a Metropolitan Centre. Allowances may vary
depending upon the place of posting. In addition, Quarters facility (in lieu of HRA) for Officers,
Conveyance, Medical Aid, LTC and retirement benefits are admissible, as per rules of the Bank, in
force from time to time.
PROBATION PERIOD :- The selected candidate will be on probation for a period of 12 months (-1-
year) of active service from the date of his/ her joining the Bank. There is no mandatory provision of
executing a Service Bond by selected candidates.
Age: (As on 01.05.2012) Minimum–21Years amp; Maximum* – 37yrs. *Relaxation in upper Age limit as per Government Guidelines.
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